Matribhumi is a Bengali drama serial that was premiered and broadcasted on Ruposhi Bangla. The serial revolves around Nilanjana and how her life turns upside down after she falls in love with a boy named Arpan.
Nilanjana, fondly called Nila, is portrayed as a simple and brave girl from Rangamati who always fights for justice and stands up for the truth. She has an immense love for her motherland and is willing to do something good for her country. Soon she gets acquainted and falls in love with Arpan, a local boy who is surprised with Nila’s love for the country and the willingness to do good. However, Arpan isn’t all that meets the eye. His actual identity is Arjun Mahato, a dreaded Maoist. Unbeknownst to this fact, Nila expresses her dreams and desires to him and shares that she is willing to join Arpan’s organization to do something good for the country.
Arpan unwillingly agrees on the condition that Nila would have to leave her family behind forever and come with him to live in Kolkata. Nila reluctantly agrees to do so. After saying her goodbye there is a sudden change of plans. Nila finds herself alone on her journey to Kolkata as Arpan convinces her that because of some problems, he couldn’t join her. But, confirmed that he will meet her once she reaches Kolkata. Believing his words, she sets on the journey to Kolkata. Her life changes drastically after this and how she falls in a circle of betrayal, lies, and utter chaos, and how she fights against all the odds is what constitutes the rest of the episodes.