Gaatchora is a Bengali Serial that is aired on Star Jalsa. It is a television series in the Family Drama genre, a popular topic in the target audience. It first aired on the 20th of December 2021 and is also available on Hotstar. The plot explores the lives of three sisters of the Bhattacharya family and the three brothers of the Singha Ray family. The middle-class family of the Bhattacharyas are humble and mainly depend on their second daughter Khori to run their family. Khori is an excellent artist who runs a shop that sells Hindu ritualistic articles. Her elder sister, Dyuti, is initially a selfish individual who spends most of her time in skincare and makeup and takes money from her little sister to buy new clothes. This behaviour towards her sister is heavily objected to by the youngest daughter, Bonnie, a tomboy refusing to conform to the stereotypical feminine conduct, who always speaks in support of Khori.
Their mother is desperate to marry her daughters into a wealthy family and give them a good life. She takes them to the Jagadhatri Puja of the diamond merchants, the Singha Ray family, in hopes that one of the three brothers will notice the girls and want to marry them. Riddhiman Singha Ray, the eldest brother who is responsible for the entire diamond kingdom, initially has a liking for the eldest sister Dyuti. He is mesmerized by her beauty and is completely taken by her. However, Dyuti runs away with the middle brother Rahul because she thinks he loves him. She doesn't know that he only wants to humiliate his elder brother because of his jealousy and claims to be the person who does not settle with a girl. Khori then saves Riddhiman from his embarrassment by marrying him. The relationships start with a lot of misunderstandings. Riddhiman and Khori seem to hate each other.
Rahul and Dyuti’s relationship was a con to trick their brother and sister into thinking the other was a liar. And both the youngest, Kunal and Bonnie, only want what is good for their siblings, yet cannot realise their feelings for each other. The series takes us through their journey while they overcome all the trials of life and the people wanting to stand in between them and prove to these people that they are the match made in heaven; the Bengali myth of each person having their own “Gaatchora” or knot tied to another person, with whom they are meant to be. The show is Produced by Acropolis Entertainment and directed by Soumen Haldar. Solanki Roy Solanki Roy is an Indian Actress, who was born on >> Read More... plays Khori Bhattacharya, and Gaurab Chatterjee plays Riddhiman Singha Ray. Shreema Bhattachary is seen as Dyuti, Anindya Chatterjee Anindya is an Indian actor who is most known for h >> Read More... as Rahul Sengupta, Riaz Laskar Riaz Laskar is an accomplished actor known for his >> Read More... as Kunal, and Anushka Goswami Anushka Goswami is an Indian actress born on 10 Ap >> Read More... as Bonnie Bhattacharya.