“N. T. Rama Rao,” the legendary actor was the CM Of Andhra Pradesh. The biopic of the late CM has been launched today amidst huge expectations. NTR’s son
Nandamuri Balakrishna
plays the titular role. The biopic is launched by the Vice President of India,
Venkaiah Naidu
in Hyderabad today. During the event, Venkaiah Naidu said that he was jubilant to receive an invite from Balakrishna to launch the film. He had told Balayya that he would visit the launch event, even though he is busy. At the event, Naidu stated that when he thinks of NTR, Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna will flash in his mind. He also stated that NTR worked to preserve Telugu language and the culture. The biopic will be directed by “
.” The film will have all the main details regarding the initial stages of NTR before entering the cinema and after entering the politics.