The popular character actor “Vijayakumar” doesn't have a good relationship with his daughter Vanitha Vijayakumar. Vijayakumar has a house in Maduravoyal and he had rented this house to shoot TV serials and films. Recently Vanitha Vijayakumar took the house for rent to shoot a film. But even after the stipulated time, she didn't vacate the house and she claimed that it is her property. Following this Vijayakumar filed a complaint against Vanitha to the Maduravoyal Police. Police asked both the parties to appear before the police station and clear the issues. Vanitha went to the police station yesterday and said that it is her property, but Vijayakumar alleged Vanitha that she had been trying to take the possession of his property which he had rented for shooting. The latest news is that the police has filed a case against Vanitha under three sections; threatening, damaging the public property and trespassing. It is said that the cops arrested 7 people who are said to be her friends, for trespassing. Now Vanitha absconded and the police are searching her.
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The popular character actor “Vijayakumar” doesn't have a good relationship with his daughter Vanitha Vijayakumar. Vijayakumar has a house in Maduravoyal and he had rented this house to shoot TV serials and films. Recently Vanitha Vijayakumar took the house for rent to shoot a film. But even after the stipulated time, she didn't vacate the house and she claimed that it is her property. Following this Vijayakumar filed a complaint against Vanitha to the Maduravoyal Police. Police asked both the parties to appear before the police station and clear the issues. Vanitha went to the police station yesterday and said that it is her property, but Vijayakumar alleged Vanitha that she had been trying to take the possession of his property which he had rented for shooting. The latest news is that the police has filed a case against Vanitha under three sections; threatening, damaging the public property and trespassing. It is said that the cops arrested 7 people who are said to be her friends, for trespassing. Now Vanitha absconded and the police are searching her.