Swathi Kolai Vazhakku is an upcoming film scripted by Ravi and directed by SD Ramesh Selvan. This film is based on the real incidents that happened, last year. Swathi, a software engineer, was murdered at the Nungambakkam railway station. None of us had forgotten it. The murder suspect Ramkumar was arrested and he was jailed. Later, it was announced that Ramkumar committed suicide by biting the electric wire, which had a vital supply. This incident is covered in the film Swathi Kolai Vazhakku.
Ajmal Ameer
played the role of an Inspector, who handled the case. "Ayira" and Mano played Swathi and Ramkumar respectively. Swathi’s dad Santhana Gopala Krishnan filed a case against the producer, director and the scriptwriter stating that the film would affect his family, mentally. Following this, all the three of them applied for an anticipatory bail and now the case is in the court. The court ordered the police not to arrest them and adjourned the case to 21st June.