Kamaraj, the Food and Civil Supplies Minister, announced that within a week, all the essential products would be available in the ration shops. He says that TN government has been running with a motive to fulfill the needs of the TN people. All the necessities are supplied at once, says Kamaraj. He also says that people get the basic products in the Ration Shops. He informs that during the DMK reign, the central government stopped the subsidies and now it takes Rs. 1800 Cr to supply the products. It was because of “
O Panneerselvam
,” the scarcity in the ration shops rose, says Kamaraj. When he was the CM after the death of “
,” OPS would have extended the distribution period, but he didn’t do, adds Kamaraj. OPS is trying to dissolve the government with the help of DMK, says Kamaraj. He also says that he need not reply to the questions shot by “
K Pandiarajan
.” Kamaraj informs that the government has purchased 20, 000 metric ton dal and it has been distributed to the Ration shops. From 1st April, smart cards will be distributed, says the minister.