After the death announcement of Tamilnadu CM Madam “Jayalalithaa,” everything has changed in the state. After her death, Jayalalithaa’s trusted party man O Panneer Selvam was appointed as the CM. A few days back, he resigned his post as CM and Jayalalithaa’s aide Sasikala, who has the support of MLAs was announced as the next CM. Till she swears in, Panneer will continue as the CM. Yesterday, Panneer made a revolt and stated that he was forced to resign his post. Jayalalithaa’s friend Geetha, who already raised doubts on the death of the CM said that as she said earlier, Panneer has been forced to resign and the CM chair had been grabbed from him unnecessarily. She also says that she welcomes the Inquiry Panel to find out the reason for the death of the CM Madam Jayalalithaa.
Listen to "Opposition For Sasikala Strengthens! Jayalalithaa’s Friend Speaks…"
After the death announcement of Tamilnadu CM Madam “Jayalalithaa,” everything has changed in the state. After her death, Jayalalithaa’s trusted party man O Panneer Selvam was appointed as the CM. A few days back, he resigned his post as CM and Jayalalithaa’s aide Sasikala, who has the support of MLAs was announced as the next CM. Till she swears in, Panneer will continue as the CM. Yesterday, Panneer made a revolt and stated that he was forced to resign his post. Jayalalithaa’s friend Geetha, who already raised doubts on the death of the CM said that as she said earlier, Panneer has been forced to resign and the CM chair had been grabbed from him unnecessarily. She also says that she welcomes the Inquiry Panel to find out the reason for the death of the CM Madam Jayalalithaa.