As the cyclone Gaja is supposed to hit today evening, the Nagapattinam district might get affected in the cyclone. The government had taken effective measures to evacuate the public from the places, which are supposed to get affected, much. Nagapattinam people have received a huge warning from the meteorological department and the number 10 warning sign had been shown. Similarly, in Pondicherry, they had got the warning sign with number 9 and in Pamban it is number 8. Chennai, Ennore and Kaattupalli harbors had signaled number 3 warning signs, as there is a possibility of the cyclone to cross the harbor.
Listen to "Final Alert In Nagapattinam – The Gaja Effect"
As the cyclone Gaja is supposed to hit today evening, the Nagapattinam district might get affected in the cyclone. The government had taken effective measures to evacuate the public from the places, which are supposed to get affected, much. Nagapattinam people have received a huge warning from the meteorological department and the number 10 warning sign had been shown. Similarly, in Pondicherry, they had got the warning sign with number 9 and in Pamban it is number 8. Chennai, Ennore and Kaattupalli harbors had signaled number 3 warning signs, as there is a possibility of the cyclone to cross the harbor.