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Chennai Election Commissioner Warns The Private Institutions!

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
Chennai Election Commissioner Warns The Private Institutions!

Chennai district election commissioner Prakash warned the private institutions that if they don’t announce holiday on the Election Day, they have to face severe actions. The agents for the voting booths are chosen today at the Ripon Building. General spectators, election spectators and the district collector Shanmugasundaram took part in the event. After the meeting, Election officer Prakash informed the following:

2019 Parliamentary Election and the Perambur Assembly Election will be held in Chennai.

670727 new voters are added. These voters include the first-time voters and the people who missed their name in the previous polls. 

Nearly 77% of Chennai people are the voters. Prakash stated that they are not aware of which voting machine will be taken to the voting booth. 

144 people are appointed in the flying squad. Nearly Rs 7 crore unaccounted money and 40 kg gold are seized. Among 39 lakh voters, seventy-seven people are differently abled.