Biju Menon
, the talented actor of Mollywood, says that his wife,
Samyuktha Varma
is a good critic. In his latest interview with a popular magazine, the actor said that Samyuktha is extremely frank and she admires good quality films and performances. He added that if Samyu enjoys a movie, she would never be reluctant to appreciate the person wholeheartedly. As she is a good critic, Biju learns a lot and corrects his mistakes in his films. As she was also an actress, she understands her husband and his profession. Biju feels that it is god’s grace that brought Samyuktha to him. Biju says that in his family discussion, cinema is the prominent topic. He also added that Samyuktha decided to quit films, after their marriage. If she wishes to do films, Biju has no objection to it. Stay tuned with us for the latest updates on Mollywood celebs and films!