Kannada Film Chamber of Commerce celebrated the birth anniversary of the legendary star “Dr.Rajkumar.” Rajkumar, who was born in the year 1929, entered the Kannada film industry in the year 1954 through Bedara Kannappa. From the first film, till his final, he had been celebrated as the undisputed king of Kannada film industry. On the eve of the legendary star’s birthday, the KFCC is busy right from the morning. The President of KFCC,
Sa Ra Govindu
and other administrators mounted before the statue of Dr. Rajkumar. Govindu garlanded the statue and the others offered a pooja. At the event, MG Ramamurthy, the Secretary of KFCC, NM Suresh, KV Gupta, Thomas Dsouza,
Ramesh Yadav
, Narasimhalu, Anchehalli Shivakumar and Akshay Gangadhar were present.