Shraddha Kapoor, who is popular for her 'ABCD 2' welcomes her childhood buddy to Bollywood. Zoa Morani is the childhood friends of Shraddha Kapoor. She is entering the Bollywood with the movie, 'Bhaag Johnny'. This movie will be released tomorrow. Shraddha wished Zoa in her social media page that she wishes her friend, all the best for her upcoming movie. But 'Bhaag Johnny' is not the debut movie for Zoa. She has already performed in ‘Always Kabhi Kabhi', which was released in 2011. Kunal Khemu pairs Zoa in 'Bhaag Johnny', which is said to be a movie that is based on karma. Mandana Karimi and Manasi Scott are also there in the movie 'Bhaag Johnny’, which is set for the grand release on September 25th, tomorrow!