Shamitabh’s plot is based on this very error. In the movie, Danish (
This lanky superstar Dhanush is an actor from Tami >> Read More...
) is a superb actor (atleast according to the movie) who cannot speak. Amitabh Sinha (Amitabh Bachhan) is an alcoholic and a failed actor with a baritone. Using “Live voice Transfer Technology”, Danish is able to project Amitabh’s voice from his throat as he speaks on a mike and lip-syncs accordingly. Guys, please, if this was even remotely possible, I would be singing in Indian Idol right now. Seriously.
In the movie, Mr. X (
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi is one of the most successful & cont >> Read More...
) gets into an accident in a refinery where he gets exposed to radiation, which makes his blood cells fuse with his clothes. Later, he drinks an untested anti-radiation medicine, which then makes him invisible. Two minutes silence for the writers please.
Okay. Now one may consider Kangana, the villain, passing through solid curtains somehow as one of the side effects of the writers watching too much Doraemon, what happened to Krrish (
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan with his unimaginable dance moves i >> Read More...
)? What magic did Jadoo have, that the powers he transferred to Rohit (again, Hrithik Roshan), which only brain powers, manifested in you as brawn powers, that too with such intensity! You know what, I think we know which planet Jadoo came from. It’s Krypton.
This movie states that in approximately 50 years, we’ll be having these amazing buildings and robots, with such advanced levels of Artificial Intelligence and natural language processing. And that we’ll become more “modern”, if I may call it so, that we’ll be wearing metal pieces and antennas with the design of Swiss cheese. Well done guys.
Rudraksh has found the cause for mental instability. It’s a mp3 file that plays in people’s minds (applicable on rodents too), and it’s contagious. You look into the eyes of an affected being, and you risk hypnosis. There are much more such gems in the film.
In this movie, actor
Mahaakshay Chakraborty
Mahaakshay Chakraborty is an Indian Bollywood film >>
suffers from a brain tumor and is going to die. During this time, he gets into an intense fight sequence and he gets a severe blow to his head. The blow turns out to be so (I don’t know, powerful?) that his tumor vanishes.
Did you know that brain transplant is also possible! All you have to do is extract someone’s brain, put it in a grill oven with ice cube tray below it (recommended in a disposable plate) and viola! Brain ready! Feeling like a bad episode of Freaky Friday can be a side effect of this method though.
Hello brother carries forward the old cliché which has been used several times to keep the industry going - donating your heart to someone implies donating your emotions as well, but wait! It won’t work for every emotional relationship, such as parent, or sister or brother. Only romantic ones allowed. That makes me wonder though if I get an eye transplant, will I be able to see whatever the donor has seen in their life?
Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar was born on 9th September 1967 and hi >> Read More...
, as we know, plays the role of a cop in the film. He suffers from a condition where his brain heats up periodically, which causes him to faint, which can be cured by washing his head with water. More like a waterproof Samsung.
The movie serves a feast to the scientific mind (sarcasm). The movie’s plot develops from the fact, or technology, invented by Jenny Nair, a London based company employee. This technology allows objects created in the digital world to enter the real world via wireless communication from multiple devices. Really guys, what has the world come to. Wireless communication is done by radio waves, and there’s no way you can create an object out of them, let alone a highly functional, and not to forget his behavior. Atleast Robot had the decency to show Rajnikanth training Chitti. Hands down.