Devara is an action entertainer scripted and directed by Koratala Siva. Sudhakar Mikkilineni, Kosaraju Harikrishna, and Nandamuri Kalyan Ram produced the film. Rathnavelu cranked the camera and “A Sreekar Prasad” edited the film. Anirudh Ravichander composed the music. “N T Rama Rao Jr” plays the titular role of Devara and his son Varada. Janhvi Kapoor makes her debut in the Telugu industry along with Saif Ali Khan. The film also features Shruti Marathe, Prakash Raj, Meka Srikanth, Shine Tom Chacko, Kalaiyarasan Harikrishnan, “Narain,” Murli Sharma, Actor Ajay, and Abhimanyu Singh.
Devara lives in a coastal village, Ratnagiri. He has a brother, Bhaira. These brothe...