Deweni Inima is a 2017 Sri Lankan television serial that premiered on February 6, 2017, on TV Derana in Sinhala language. The series is directed by Saranga Mendis. It is produced by Chamika Mendis. Saman Edirimuni is the writer of the show. It is telecasted weekly at night from 8.30 to 9.00. The story revolves around the life of two half-brothers, Anuhas and Avantha. They both are the children of businessman and famous cricketer Ravi Fernando. Anuhas runs a juice shop with his mother, Udeni. He has a close relationship with his uncle Anand and his family. Meanwhile, Avantha lives a life of luxury with his spoiled father and mother, Amisha. Avantha is too aggressive and often causes trouble for the Anuhas. The...
Sangeethe is a popular Sri Lankan soap opera that premiered on TV Derana on February 11, 2019. The show is directed by Saranga Mendis, produced by Chamika Mendis, and written by Saman Edirimunee. The show airs every weekday evening from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The series has a talented cast which includes Lavan Abhishek, Geethma Bandara, Pramoth Ganearachchi, and Sriyantha Mendis in the leading roles. Mahee and Aseni are the two main characters of the show. Mahee comes from a middle-class background and leads a musical band with his friends. Aseni is the kind-hearted daughter of a wealthy but unscrupulous businessman. Even though she is from a rich family, she prefers a happy simple life. She often chooses to walk or use public transportatio...
The 2016 Sri Lankan drama series, Sidu aired on the Malee TV series from 8 August 2016 to 7 January 2022 And completed 1402 episodes. It is a follow-up to the 2013 television drama Aththamma. It features the story of Malee's son Sidu who was abducted by his mother's past rivals, and his developing bond with an aspiring Buddhist monk. The serial is written by Saman Edirimunee and Thilina Boralessa directs this. Nethma Aakashmita, Kaveesh Vihanga, and W. Jayashri are the main lead roles in the serial. With his father Nirmal, Sidu who inherits supernatural powers, goes home to Sri Lanka from England. But mother's past rival Ukkuwa and his son gather him. Sidu impressions are removed by Ukkuwa.