Laknima Upendri is a Sinhala Actress who was brought up in Sri Lanka. Laknima celebrates her birthday on 13th January every year. She had her education from President's College Avissawella. She first began with her supporting role in Muthulendora - the teledrama telecasted on Derana TV. After that, Laknima Upendri did another tele series in Sinhala language, Kanthoru Moru drama series. After these two dramas, she was given another role for Hadawathe Kathawa Story soon >> Read More... . She has also acted in commercials like Bright Achievers (Institute of Innovation Studies) and Nestle Lacto Grow. She promotes jewellery brands and models for such jewellery brands as #salonnathara. Laknima Upendri is also seen in a few episodes of Encounter teledrama.