Juliana has bagged a title of a ‘brave girl’ after having her entry for the realty show Big Boss Tamil as a proud contestant. Trying to get into a reality show hosted by Kamal Hassan is really difficult task for a non-celebrity. And now hear that Big Boss fame Juliana has bagged a role in an untitled Kollywood film. Earlier, her participation in ’Jallikattu’ protest at Marina Beach and slogan in support of Jallikattu, made her a winner in social media. It seems that her participation in Marina Beach certainly proved fruitful in her career. Her protest for Jallikattu cause proved her real champion and her videos during the protest went viral on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. Viewers in Tamil Nadu even claimed that after her participation in the Jallikattu protest at Marina, she had gone missing.
After the protest of Jallikattu in 2017, rumors had been doing round that she had died. Later on, she made a selfie video denying the false news and cheered her supporters. It is true Bigg Boss Bigg Boss Tamil is the Tamil language version of t >> Read More... Tamil on Star Vijay has put Kamal Haasan Kamal Haasan is the most versatile actor that Indi >> Read More... ’s show in the big league where it had garnered great TRPs. And the show apart from being a winner for the channel, the reality show has certainly proved fruitful for its contestants too. It was claimed once by the channel that to make the show more interesting, Vijay Television decided to bring Juliana as a contestant in Bigg Boss. Juliana was seen in the first episode that had Anuya, Shree, Oviya and other contestants for the third episode of Big Boss Tamil. She was the one to get first eliminated from the House of Big Boss. Recently, Actor Cool Suresh has reportedly announced Bigg Boss Julie (Juliana) would be a leading lady in his film.
The project is untitled and undecided yet. Juliana had a dream of taking up video jockey role in a television channel and confirms that she is still a not mature person to handle heroine role. Well, it does not matter what role she gets in a movie. Earlier, nobody knew she would be a contestant in Big Boss anchored by Kamal Haasan. Even since the show had been buzzing in the town for a long time owing to its casting process, Juliana too had managed to grab a role in the show. Hence, one can easily hope that a girl coming from a new Christian society from a remote area of Tamil Nadu would find her feet in silver screen too. Luck always supports a brave person and Juliana is one among them.