Sharad Ganesh Talwalkar, also known as Sharad Talwalkar, an Indian film actor and also a television artist was a vibrant actor. Shankar got all fame and reached at great heights just because of his passion and inclination towards acting and theatre since his childhood. Shankar was a big name of his times, and he appeared in various Marathi films. He was regarded as one of the finest comedians in Marathi cinema and entertained the audience for over sixty years. Sharad’s contribution towards Marathi cinema was a big building block for the film industry. Personal Life: Sharad was born on 1st November 1918 in Bodhegaon, Pune, India. Sharad did his schooling from Bhave High School, Maharashtra and was interested in acting and theatre since then only. Even during his college days, he started a theatre and also continued with practising acting. Sharad died in 2001 due to prolonged illness and later by heart attack and left his wife and two sons including his fame and name and respect from the Marathi film industry for his marvellous contribution. Career: Sharad was into acting and theatre since his childhood and did theatre in college and even in school.
He was very talented and owing to this; Keshavrao Date Keshavrao date is a legend of the Indian cinemas. >> Read More... offered him a job. Sharad made his debut in films in the year 1958 with the movie, 'Akher Zamla' in which he did a comic role. Raja Gosavi Raja Gosavi was an Indian film actor in Hindi and >> Read More... accompanied him in this movie and the combination of both was well appreciated by all and also the movie was marked well. The duo did various other movies together. He was also seen in Lakhachi Gosta, which was his movie of starting days. The famous actor did films from the time of black and white movies till the coloured ones. His first coloured film was Avaghachi Sansar Avachi Sansar is a Marathi television show aired o >> Read More... . Sharad appeared in more than 180 films with a career span of almost 60 years. He also did 45 plays which include the famous play, Ekach Pyala. Gharo Ghari Heech Bomb and Lagnachi Bedi Lagnachi Bedi is a Marathi-language televised show >> Read More... were also his plays on the list. “Swar-Taal Sadhana” the Music Institute, was inaugurated on 16th December 1993 by Late Mrs. Paurnima Talwalkar, Classical Vocalist and Mr.Sharad Talwalkar, stalwart of Marathi Theater and Cinema.