The show Kandy Floss is a very controversial show that aired on the channel Sony TV under the Balaji Telefilms Production. The show is such that one cannot ignore it, and it will make the viewers take notice of what is happening. The aim is to provide the viewers with a lot of gossip about not just the celebrities from Bollywood but also the small screen TV actors. The show spoke about all information and news that was not open to the public including the parties and events that celebrities attend and the reasons behind them taking place, all behind-the-scene news and a lot of things revolving around the lives of the celebrities.
One could get to know about all scandals that were never brought to light before and a lot of breaking news all of it in the bold style of the show, Kandy Floss. The show launched on the 10th March. The reason why the show telecasted at later hours was because of the fact that it included a lot of behind-the-scene news which was not palatable for kids to watch. The format was that of E-news and that of many other international shows that give an insight to the audience about the life of the celebrities. Kandy Floss too attempts for the same.
There were a lot of hopes concerning the show. It was already touted to have a lot of spice. The format was like a magazine one but in spite of that, it made sure that it met the practices and standards of the channels. The content is meant only for adults that deal with a lot of issues revolving around the film industry. It was thus proper for the makers to assign such timing for the show. However, it only appeared once a week and adding to it; the timing was hardly 21 minutes. The concept that the show Kandy Floss followed was something that was very common and shown many times so makers wanted to make it different by adding a lot more things to it. There was a lot of effort involved, and much editing could not be done to keep it different from other similar shows that the viewers are accustomed to watching.
Apart from this, the show even attracted a lot of controversy for the material, and the type of news it delivers to the audience. The anchor of Kandy Floss was Archana Puran Singh Archana Puran Singh is an Indian TV artist and pre >> Read More... who was selected because her personality matched to the format and profile of the show. Moreover, she is also candid about her thoughts and is known to be a person who does things differently. It is all about revealing hidden information about the lives of celebrities. However, whatever is publicised on the show was done only after a lot of research.