Mohabbat Khawab Safar is a Pakistani serial that premiered on 24th April 2017 on Hum TV. The serial focuses on the life of Zareen, aka Neelam, who has been abandoned by her father and is abused by her step-mother and step-sister. Zareen has ambitions and goals but is denied the opportunities because of her mother's deeds. She lives with the family but is treated as a domestic helper. Zarneen's only supporter is Aali, who is her step-sister's love interest. On the other hand, Ahsan (Zarneen's step-brother) abuses her into falling in love with him. What happens next? Watch the serial to find out. Mohabbat Khawab Safar is an Urdu-language serial. It was written by Rukhsana Nigar Born in Lahore and based in Karachi, Rukhsana Niga >> Read More... and directed by Syed Asim Ali. The lead cast includes Rabab Hashim Rabab Hashim, the famous Pakistan actress and mode >> Read More... as Zarneen/ Neelam, Zain Mirza as Aali, Seher Afzal A hard-working and ambitious lady, Seher Afzal is >> Read More... as Sara, and Babar Khan Babar Khan aka Babar Khan Durrani is a talented ar >> Read More... as Ahsan. Watch Mohabbat Khawab Safar on Hum TV's YouTube channel.