Akeli is a 2015 Pakistani Urdu-language television drama series that aired on channel Hum TV. The show is based on Nuzhat Saman’s novel was directed by Nain Maniar Nain Maniar is an admired name in the Pakistani dr >> Read More... . Osama Ahmad Siddiqui produced it under the banner of Ironline Productions. The show stars Imran Aslam Imran Aslam is a Pakistani actor. He was born in L >> Read More... , Iqra Qureshi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Diya Mughal Diya Mughal is a Pakistani actress and model born >> Read More... , and Shamil Khan Shamil Khan was born on March 14, 1978, in Islamab >> Read More... in pivotal roles. Love, hate, and jealousy are the central themes in the show. A young sensible man Azfar is highly protective and loving towards his sister, Mahnoor. The sibling bond is unbreakable. But their relationship has to go through various challenges, all because of Azfar’s wife, Shahnaz. Jealous of all the attention Azfar gives to Mahnoor, she plays various tactics to keep them apart. When her children’s tutor teacher shows interest in Mahnoor, Shahnaz takes this as a great opportunity to keep Mahnoor away from her and her family. Will Azfar get influenced by his wife? How does Mahnoor deal with all of this? The rest of the story deals with that.