Telugu Tv Serial Kalavari Kodallu

Kalavari Kodallu Telugu Tv serials on Zee telugu
3.40 / 5.00
3.45 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Kalavari Kodallu is the most popular series on Zee TV which aired on May 05, 2011. The series is based on the lives of two female cousins - Rekha and Lekha, who are total opposites and are married in the same family. Story starts with Jagadeeshwari searching for a perfect bride for her son Sri Ram and selects Lekha as her daughter in law. This leaves Rekha jealous for Lekha’s good fortunes. With her witty plans, Rekha finally enters the house marrying the younger son of the family. Rekha along with her mother, plans to take control over the house.

Knowing about Rekha’s nature, Jagadeeshwari never let Rekha succeed in her plans. How Jagadeeshwari saves Lekha from her sister Rekha and how she tames the rebellious and cunning Rekha, and teach her a lesson for making everyone’s life miserable with her witty plans is the story of the series. Haritha, who played Jagadeeshwari, gained popularity for her role in Kalavari Kodallu. The series bagged few awards in Zee Kutumbam awards, 2012. Actress who played Rekha is the producer of the series. The family drama is gaining good TRP ratings and is running successfully towards 1000 episodes. This daily serial is telecasted from Monday through Saturday at 6.30 Pm on Zee


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