Vasool Vettai is a Tamil show broadcast on the Vijay TV channel. It is a reality game show with just women contestants. Azhar and Chitra are the hosts of this show. There are total of forty episodes in season one of this show. The contestants enter in pairs. The rules for the game is shown. There are a total of20 boxes designed as a beehive. All these boxes are numbered. Somenumbers have gifts under them. Some gifts have tasks others have questions and bulbs. There are a total of five questions, five tasks, and three bulbs. The value of the gift keeps on increasing from 1000 rupees to 20000 rupees. The contestants have to stand on podiums in groups of two and introduce themselves. A man dressed like a honeybee brings the props necessary for the first task. The numbers are also chosen by a honey bee.
The contestant has to withdraw a chit. This pair would be allowed to choose from the number displayed on the screen. Only some numbers have gifts hidden under them which would fetch them prize money. If the number chosen has a gift underneath it, then that team would be given a gift. Some numbers have tasks underneath them. The tasks include collecting as much water as a contestant can from wringing wet clothes. In another task the contestants have their hands tied, and they have to pick apples with their teeth and drop them at the desired location. Another task involves aiming rings at the desired location. The man dressed as honeybee comes to provide the gift.
The contestants who choose the number with a gift underneath are given another chance to choose any number. Non-stick cookers, rice maker machine, cleanliness items like toilet cleaners, juicers, plastic containers, Tupperware items, storage containers, dinner sets, water heater, grinder, LED TV, double door fridge, and mixer are some of the items of gifts. If the number has a bulb underneath it, it means the contestant has to pay the penalty. Only thirty seconds are given to answer questions. Some questions include identifying audio, and choose from the options. The two teams are team A and team B. The first team is supported by Azhar and the second team is supported by Chitra. In the last episode, team B wins three to four gifts in a row. This even surprises the hosts and honeybee of this show.