The Command Force is a Tamil-dubbed crime thriller that aired on the channel, DD Podhigai, which is one of the earliest regional satellite channels and is owned by Doordarshan. The show was launched in the year 2011. The show had a good run for two long years and came to an end in the year 2014. The show had only one season which had more than 100 episodes. Each episode had a runtime of 30 minutes. The Command Force was a Hindi crime show that started telecasting on the channel Doordarshan.
The show became so popular and loved by the audience that soon after, the show was dubbed in the Tamil language and telecasted on DD Podhigai. The show is basically about an investigation team of very experienced youths called The Command Force. The job of this team is to investigate all kinds of crime that are occurring in India and solve them. The team has five members. The team is headed by an experienced man who is addressed as Chief by everyone.
And there are four other young members, two boys and two girls, who are bubbling with young energy to fight crimes in the country. They have to take action on the crimes that are reported to them and put the criminals behind the bars. The team is often faced with various kinds of very dangerous crimes like murders, abduction, cyber crime, robbery, etc. Some of the crimes are very bizarre and mysterious. Different episodes had different crime stories. The victims of the crime come to The Command Force, perplexed with their problems and the team immediately gets on to finding the roots of the issue.
They dig deep into every possibility and find out the truth at any cost. Some of the stories are very ruthless, while some are very intriguing. The audience love the excitement and suspense of the show which is why the show had a very long successful run with high TRPs. The show has a cast of celebrated actors to play the lead roles. Veteran actor Mehul Buch Mehul Buch is a television actor who has been seen >> Read More... plays the role of Chief, who is the head of the team. The young members of the team, Abhinav, Vikrant, and Priyanka are played by some of the very popular faces of television today like Vijayender Kumeria, Kapil Soni Kapil Soni is an Indian model and a Television act >> Read More... and Shipra Jain Khanna, respectively. The series was directed by Sabir Mustaffa, and the story was written and conceptualized by Bobby Khan Bobby Khan is an Indian film dialogue writer turne >> Read More... and Akshaditya Lama. The show was produced by Indu Dewan and Pradeep Sethy.