Raja Magal is a Tamil serial broadcast on Zee Tamil channel. With more than a hundred episodes on air, this serial is based on an identity crisis of two kids. The story starts with Sivagami and her elder brother Rajarajan. They both share a really strong bond with one another. Brother marries Bhairavi and both brother and sister live in the same house. Sivagami and Bhairavi both get pregnant at the same time and both have kids on the same day. The problem arises when Bhairavi is blessed with a baby girl while Sivagami with a baby boy. In an attempt to pacify Bhairavi as she always wanted a boy, Sivagami exchanges the kids. She does this to save her brother’s marriage and to not create differences between their families. But things go from bad to worse. Bhairavi accuses Sivagami of trying to amass the family property. After a gap of eight years, the situation is the same and Bhairavi continues to rain torture on Sivagami. But the kids are best friends now.
Sivagami’s daughter is named Thulasi while Bhairavi’s son is named Vishwa. Bhairavi keeps on insulting and torturing Thulasi not knowing that she is her biological child. The final injustice is when Bhairavi in a fit of anger on Sivagami throws a bowl on her and hits Thulasi. The fight occurs when Bhiravi says to take a part of the property for her son which prompts Sivagami to do the same. This forces Sivagami and her husband to leave the house. Both children grow up. Now they are in college. But Bhairavi is still planning and plotting on how to defeat Thulasi in the college via her son. Rajarajan feels sorry that he cannot meet his sister because of the differences between her and his wife. He keeps on apologizing for his wife’s behavior. Thulasi and Vishwa keep on teasing each other in the form of games. Vishwa has already confirmed his mother that he will never fall for Thulasi. But destiny has some other plans for them.
Bhairavi has also taken a promise from her husband that he will never get Thulasi and Vishwa married. In one of the episodes, Thulasi gets seriously injured. For her operation, about five lakh is needed. Sivagami does not have this much amount. But the operation has to be performed immediately. When she asks Bhairavi for money, she offers her to give all her property to her so as to save her daughter. After this Bhairavi brings marriage offers for Thulasi so that her son does not fall for her. On learning that Vishwa is in love with Thulasi, Bhairavi tries to kill herself and slaps her son. Thulasi wants to reunite the family. When Rajarajan is in a critical condition, it is the blood of Thulasi that matches his type and saves him. Bhairavi suspects and the story moves with a new twist.