Kantha Sasti Kavasam is a daily devotional series that came on the channel Mega TV. It is a Tamil language show and came on between Monday and Sunday in the time slot of 6:00 AM. The show presented to the viewers various hymns which got sung to celebrate the glory of the Lord Murugan. The hymns aimed at narrating his story and praises along with asking the Lord to protect his devotees from suffering any kind of harm. It features a series of soothing hymns which are a delight for the ears and go a long way in providing a great start to our day. Lord Murugan got called by many names by his innumerable devotees.
Some of the more popular names include that of Karthikeyan, Skandan, Kumaran, Velan, Kumara Swami Guhan, Senthilnathan, Dhandhayudapani, Swaminathan, Saravanan, and Aarumugan, which means “the one with six faces.” As per Hindu mythology, he is the God of war. He was the Chief Commander of the army which the devas possessed. He was also the son of Lord Shiva. He is even considered as the primary deity belonging to the Kaumaram sect amongst Hindus. Lord Murugan is also referred to as the “God of Tamils" by his many followers. This is because he is amongst one of the most worshiped deities in areas which have a strong Tamil influences. This includes places such as Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Mauritius, Malaysia, and Singapore. He has six very important shrines located in India which are collectively called as the Six Abode of Murugan.
In Tamil, they got called Arupadaiveedu which literally translates to mean six war houses. In the states of Bengal, Orissa, and Maharashtra, he gets popularly referred to as Kartikeya. One of the earliest and most elaborate accounts of Lord Murugan's origins can get found in the epic text of the Mahabharata. In that saga, he got believed to have been born from the union of Agni and Svaha, post the latter impersonating six out of seven wives belonging to the Saptarishi. The true wives after that become the Pleiades.
Lord Murugan got considered to have gotten given birth with the intention of him destroying the demon Mahishasura. Lord Indra got believed to have attacked Lord Murugan upon considering him as a threat to the Devas. However, Lord Shiva intervened and made Lord Murugan the chief commander of the army controlled by the Devas. He also got married to Devasena, who is Lord Indra's daughter.