Thamasha Bazaar is a Malayalam television show. The show falls under the category of the comedy entertainment show. Comedy entertainment show is a mixed bag of many genres of shows but mainly it extracts its format from reality shows and chat shows. Comedy entertainment shows consist of many types of comedy performances such as funny sketches and Stand up performances. Various comedians come on the show and perform their act and entertain the live audience on the show. Thamasha Bazaar is one such show where various comedians and entertainers are selected. The show is set in a mall where different actors or comedians play different roles such as shopkeepers, security guards, and customers. They prepare various comedy sketches, skits, etc to entertain the audience.
The show also invites various popular celebrities and makes them participate in the show’s madcap humor style. The various comedians and actors who are involved in the show are Jewel Mary Jewel Mary is an Indian actress, television anchor >> Read More... , Arya Rohit Arya Rohit is an extremely popular actress, model >> Read More... , Kannan Sagar Kannan Sagar is an Indian actor who worked for >> Read More... , Krishna Prabha Born on November 25th, 1987, Krishna Prabha is a w >> Read More... , and others. All these work with the writers of the show and deliver funny and entertaining sketches. All this makes the show very entertaining to watch. The added element of surprise celebrity walk-ins makes the show more exciting for the audience. The show features on the popular Malayalam channel, Zee Keralam which is a channel owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises. The channel is known for its entertaining and engaging shows.
Thamasha Bazaar is one such show which is hugely popular on the channel for its originality and a fun premise. The show is loved by viewers who love to watch something with their family as the show is made with family viewing kept in mind. The fans of celebrities also watch the show to see their favorite personality having fun. All this has made the show one of the most-watched shows on the channel. This popularity compelled the producers of the show to make the show available online for streaming. Thus the show has been made available on the OTT platform, Zee5 which is a platform owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises. The show has had a total of 64 episodes aired on television till now.