Kerala Cafe is a comedy show which came on the channel Kairali TV. It is a Malayalam language show and came on weekdays between Monday and Thursday in the slot of 8PM. It premiered on Indian television screens on 18th August 2014. It is a regular comedy series that got hosted by the acclaimed comic superstar Kottayam Nazeer Kottayam Nazeer is an actor-cum-director in Malaya >> Read More... . He also has celebrity guests who come for this show, and they all engage in light banter. They also join the host in the gags and comedy they engage in. All the topics discussed are based around contemporary happenings which got fictionalized for lending comic relief.
Stand-up comedy acts and satires are revolving around latest current affair news items. Kerala Cafe is not just around humorous acts but also entertaining music accompanied by different acts and skits. The program invites guests as well as celebrities who come from varying walks of life. They all discuss a variety of topics. It consists of a multitude of light-hearted and humorous moments which make it an enjoyable watch. It provides a fun filled environment for everyone. The discussions revolve around light topics and have a comic angle to them. Though some serious aspects of the guest’s life may get touched upon, the show refrains from delving too deep into it. The audience thus gets to see a more jovial side of the personalities they have grown fond of seeing through the years.
The program gets remembered for its combination of elements of humor as well as a comedy which provided the series an extremely casual appeal with the all the viewers. The anchor manages to maintain a very informal atmosphere that adds to the ease of the guests. They tended to open up a lot more freely and also maintain quite a jovial mood than what one would normally expect. The celebrities go on to freely engage themselves with the show and all the hilarious moments which keep occurring. The entire series is well-known for its ability to keep the viewers engaged with the light-hearted banter and chats which happen from the heart. It makes for a very enjoyable watch and as a result enjoyed high ratings from the audience along with a very loyal fan base.
Kottayam Nazeer is quite a well-known actor and has performed mimicry in a lot of shows. His talents are well recognized throughout the state Kerala. He has in fact performed in a large number of countries all across the world. These include the United States of America, Canada, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Singapore, and Switzerland. He has also performed in the United Arab Emirates as well as few other middle-eastern countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait.