Anish Bal is a Malayalam comedian. He has done in the show called Kerala Cafe. The show started airing on 18 April 2014 and is presented by Kottayam Nazeer. It is a stand-up comedy show based on the current happenings. The show has various celebrities to make the audience enjoy. Casual topics are also discussed. The show has been loved by...
Ajith C Lokesh is a Film Director who has predominantly worked in Malayalam Film industry.Apart from working as a director he also works as a script writer. One of his famous movies which hit the theatres was Charminar in the year 2018....
Kollam Sudhi is a famous Indian actor who mainly works in the Malayalam entertainment industry. He was born on 1 January 1984 in Kollam, Kerala, India. He went to Kerala University to complete his education. An actor’s first impression comes with his personality. Luckily, Sudhi owns a good personality with a height of 5’ 7’’. He is best known for his...
"Vinod Kedamangalam is a Malayalam supporting action in Mollywood. He has acted in various film projects as a supporting actor to the leads, some of which were big commercial successes. Vinod Kedamangalam's filmography includes big films like Irupathiyonnaam Noottaandu (2019), Puthan Panam (2017), Ramaleela (2017), Ira (2018), Queen (2017), Fukri (2017) where he acted as the supporting character and was...
Saju Navodaya is an Indian Film Actor and Comedian. He works in the Malayalam Film Industry. His actual name is Saju Navodaya, but is often known by his stage name Pashanam Shaji....
Ullas Pandalam is an Indian film actor, popular amongst the audience for his work in movies like Vishudha Pusthakam, Pettilambattra, and Chinna Dada. Mostly known for his predominant involvement in Mollywood movies, TV shows, and dramas, he is considered to be one of the most versatile actors, who has been playing supporting roles on the silver screen for quite some...
Kottayam Nazeer is an actor-cum-director in Malayalam cinema. He is also screenplay writer and dialog writer and even a well-known stage performer. He is also a popular Malayalam-language mimicry artist, comedian, and actor. He has worked in over 50 films in Mollywood. He is popular for his imitation of popular film actors and politicians too. He is one of the...
Binu Adimali is a Malayali comedian and actor. He is most famous for his hilarious stand-up routines on popular comedy shows such as Vodafone Comedy Stars, Kerala Cafe on Kairali TV, and Comedy Festival. Hailing from the town of Adimali in the Idukki district of northern Kerala, he joined the renowned mimicry troupe Kalabhavan. In an interview in the Laughing Villa program which airs on Kairali...