Harithakeralam is an agricultural documentary based reality TV show which came on the channel Jeevan TV. The series is a Malayalam language one that came between Monday and Friday in the time slot of 5:30 PM. The program attempts to bridge the gap in programming aimed at farmers and agriculture. It is a green program which redefined the very concept of informative documentaries on television for well over three years and had been going on strong for well over eight-hundred episodes. It represents a classic convergence between the fields of agriculture, dairy culture, horticulture, and many more things.
The vast field of content provided via the show consists of numerous agricultural field reports for the benefit of the farmers, an introduction to the new technologies and concepts available on the field. It also gives information and enlightenment from different eminent agriculturalists working in practical surroundings along with rural tips, data about new crops, techniques of effective cultivation, names and dosage of eco-friendly pesticides and fertilizers available in the market, value added processing of the produce, and marketing techniques for getting the best reach and price for the crop.
The show is highly relevant and popular given that a sizeable portion of the population in our country is still mainly dependent on primary sources of income like agriculture and its various allied sectors. Television channels hence devote dedicated space and time to showcase as well as highlight the potential ups and downs in the field. These agriculture oriented shows provide knowledge and are a good starting point for potential agriculturists and for existing farmers as well. It got produced with the intention to not just enlighten but also entertain the viewers.
Recent times have seen an upsurge in the viewers’ interest in these programs and all leading channels have some kind of agricultural based content in their midst. With a drop in interest in daily soaps and regular serials, these infotainment shows are gaining popularity even amidst common public with no potential interest in the domain. Some of the shows are also created in collaboration with the Agricultural Department in the Kerala Government for the benefit of the masses. Such programs also give information regarding the various government sponsored schemes available for agriculturists.
The topics which get covered over the course of the show include trending innovations in the farming practices, along with success stories from people actually working in the fields. It discusses the problems they encounter along with the prospects which exist in the agricultural space and its allied sectors like that of horticulture, dairy, and fisheries