COMEDY FESTIVAL is a reality TV show that offers a stage for talented comedy troops to express their talent. In this reality TV show contestants are in teams which are endowed with putting forward a new and original skit each episode. Judges judge the teams based on the originality and humor quotient of the skit. Teams with highest performance review throughout the season are selected to compete in the finale for the title.
The show was aired in MAZHAVIL MANORAMA channel from Monday to Thursday on 9.30 pm slot. The show was hosted by Rachana narayanankutty and judged by celebrity heavy weights like Urvashi,
Director Siddique
Guinness Pakru
(Ajayan). The show also has celebrity special guests like comedy actor Innocent, super star Dileep etc. The teams participating in the competition have garnered popularity because of the huge success of the show. As the show features celebrity guests from time to time it has had no problems in attracting viewers. The show successfully completed 2 seasons. The teams such as Littlestars mainly consisting of physically challenged have found themselves a platform through this program to showcase their abilities as well as make a living out of it. Littlestars won the title in the second season of the show.