Airtel Star wars is a reality show which aired on Kairali TV. Kairali TV is the Malayalam television channel in India. Airtel Star Wars Star Wars is a show of Mastiii, India’s most popul >> Read More... aired on Sunday of every week. It features a group of students from Various colleges in and around Kerala. Airtel networks present this show. The groups are given a theme and have to battle with other such groups by their performances. The name Star Wars indicates the cultural performance war among the stars of various colleges. The judges of this show are Venu Nagavally Venu Nagavally was one of the most prominent Write >> Read More... , Methil Devika Methil Devika is a Indian classical dancer, perfor >> Read More... , and Kalpana. There is a panel of judges called, friendly judges and they are Prajoth, Pakkru, and Nadhirsha.
Venu Nagavally is an actor, director, script-writer, etc., Methil Devika is a dance research scholar and the first Keralite to procure UGC as a lecture in dance. Kalpana is a famous character artist. Shweta Menon Shweta Menon is a Malayalam and Hindi movie actres >> Read More... hosted this reality show. She is an Indian model and also an actress, who has acted in Hindi and Malayalam films. The show has different rounds like group dance, acting with dialogues, group songs, live songs with dance, fusion dance, etc. In the round group dance, the students from a college will perform a dance with a group.
For acting with dialogue, a contestant has to choose a famous dialogue from a movie and has to mimic it with the same feelings and expressions. In the challenge of the live song with dance, a set of students have to choose a song and sing, and another set of students have to dance for that song, simultaneously. After the performances are over voting poll will begin. The viewers have to vote for their favorite college.
Kairali TV is airing not only in India but also in Arab countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc. The fans of this show from these countries are given a particular mobile number and asked to vote for their group of interest through an SMS. Airtel Star Wars was the big hit of that time. It has increased the TRP of the channel. The students from colleges like GCE, Thrissur, St.Mary's College, Thiruvalla, etc., had taken part in this program and got fame. The juries’ fair judgments and lovely advice helped the students to improve their talents. The friendly judges make the show more interactive.