Kilukkampetty is a hit, successful and popular Malayalam comedy television show which aired on the leading and popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Asianet TV on weekend’s afternoon slot. The gained immense popularity in a very short time span and was immensely popular due to humorous content and slapstick comedy sequences. Killikammpetty is basically a family comedy entertainment show and revolves around the lives of a middle aged couple played by the popular, talented and one of the finest comedian actor of Malayalam TV and cinema industry Shri
Jagathy Sreekumar
and veteran Malayalam actress Beena Antony. The story revolves around their day to day lives where in each episode some incidents or accidents keep on happening, which this funny couple gets into some kind of problems every day. In the process of getting out and solving the problems they get themselves into funny and hilarious situations which gives rise to the many enjoyable and funny moments and comic scenes in the show. The other supporting casts also had acted well and have been praised for their acting performances. But, the highlight of the show is the impeccable acting and comic timings of actor Jagathy Sreekumar and actress
Beena Antony
that makes the show worth watching and a must watch.