Kouthuka Kazhichakal is an amazing and amusing Malayalam television show that airs on one of the leading, popular and prominent Malayalam entertainment television channel Amrita TV on weekends every Saturday from 10:30 am onwards in the morning as per the Indian standard time (IST). Kouthuka Kazhichakal is a news magazine type television programme where the viewers are given amusing insights into life with opinions from all over the world. The television educational and informative show Kouthuka Kazhichakal is hosted and anchored by ace and veteran Malayalam actor Shri Karthikeyan Vallappad. In this show, the host and anchor discusses an array of topics, news and latest updates from all over and across the world ranging from politics, social, cultural, professional, environmental to economic issues and also topics and news on terrorism , travel and tourism, entertainment industry, news related to various professional arena, latest news, updates and development on technology front. And, he delivers the audiences and the viewer’s expert opinions on these various topics from the experts of the particular field. One to three topics are discussed each episode and this show provides a lot of information and helps the audiences and the viewers to remain updated regarding the latest happenings in every field and genre from across the world.