Cheese in the Trap is a South Korean drama based on the webtoon of the same name written by Soonkki. The drama is scripted by Kim Nam-hee and Go Sun-hee, and Lee Yoon-Jung directed the series. Kim Keo-hong and Jung Se-Ryung produced the series under the banner Eight Works, Kross Pictures and PGood Media. It aired on TVN from 4th January 2016 to 1st March 2016.
Hong Seol is a hard-working student, and Yoo Jung is her senior. He is from a wealthy family. Jung appears good and helps people. But, if anyone irritates him, he could not settle down without destroying them. But, he was good to Hong, although she came in with the scholarship that belongs to him. He asked her for a date. But, their relationship started on a negative note. When Baek In Ho and Baek In Ha, his sister, enter the campus, the situation worsens. What happened to Hong? Who are Baek In Ho and In Ha? The rest of the series focuses on this.
Kim Go-Eun plays the role of Hong Seol; Park Hae-jin plays Yoo Jung, Hong Seol's senior. Seo Kang-joon plays the role of Baek In-ho and Lee Sung-kyung plays Baek In-ha
Kim Hee-chan, Ahn Gil-kang, Yoon Bok-in, Park Min-ji, Nam Joo-hyuk, Ji Yoon-ho, Yoon Ji-won, Moon Ji-yoon, Kim Hye-ji, Cha Joo-young, Yoon Ye-joo, Oh Hee-joon, Go Hyun, Shin Joo-hwan, Lee Woo-dong, Hwang Seok-jeong, Kim Jin-keun, Son Byong-ho, and Kim Ki-bang are in the supporting roles.Â