Mohini vs Mahalinga is a Kannada comedy serial which is aired on ETV Kannada. It starts as a romantic story with Manti and Mahalinga being in love with each other. They both work at different places, but with their bus routes being the same, they start talking with each other. They soon learn a lot about each other and fall in love. Both are from middle class families, whose parents want them to marry soon. Manti is a receptionist at a large company. Mahalinga is a software engineer for a small local business.
Now they have to introduce each other to their parents. Mahalinga’s parents are cool about their relationship. They welcome Manti to their home like their own daughter. Mahalinga’s sister is younger than both of them but she also welcomes her with a smile. Manti is scared of introducing Mahalinga to her parents. In India she knows that it is unorthodox for the girl to be in a relationship and introduce her partner. She is worried about it but Mahalinga assures her that nothing will go wrong.
He tells her that he will use his charm to impress her mother. Listening to him, Manti decides to introduce Mahalinga to her parents. Her dad is happy that his daughter has finally found somebody. Her brother is also happy. Mohini, her mother, is not happy about it. She seems to get bad vibes about Mahalinga. She tells everybody that Mahalinga is not a proper person and their relationship should come to an end. Everybody in the family starts explaining to Mohini that he is a very nice person, and if given time, he will impress her also.
After they have got to know everybody, Mahalinga and Manti become even closer. He starts visiting her house and happily greets her family. Mohini doesn't like it. She always seems to be plotting a plan which will irritate Mahalinga and make him leave her daughter. They both keep having fights between themselves while Manti is working, and this creates many funny situations which are the essence of Mohini vs. Mahalinga. It is a serial with a different idea and story which got the audience to love it. It ran for a few months, but it had to shut down due to it being not-so-famous with the audience. The twenty-two minutes episodes were aired on weekdays at 10 PM.