Comedy Classes is the newest and first ever sketch comedy sitcom which was aired on Life OK. Initially, Comedy Classes was supposed to air on Colors, however, the deal didn’t work out well, so the makers approached another channel, Life OK. It has been reported that the reason behind it is that, Colors was not able to allot a time that will slot the Comedy Classes show and though the production was keen on working with Colors, Comedy Classes productions’ could not wait indefinitely so the project was cancelled and was moved to Life OK. The show was premiered on October 7, 2014 and broadcasted from Monday to Friday at 10:00 P.M. It was produced by Vipul D. Shah and
Sanjiv Sharma
under the banner of Optimystix Entertainment. Comedy Classes was set in Selfie Mausi and Naseer’s school, the Ache Din Acting Institute.
The concept of the show was to teach the audience some comedy and entertainment. The sitcom is also about Ache Din Institute, where there are acting teachers and students.
Some of the Indian personalities and comedians who joined the stand-up comedy show, Comedy Circus was part of this sitcom including
Siddharth Sagar
who played dual characters as Selfie Mausi, the owner of the institute and Naseer, the brother of Selfie; Krushna Abhishek who became popular after joining comedy shows played as an acting teacher but is a struggling actor who does anomalous jobs for a living; stand-up comedian
Bharti Singh
played as the dance guru whose students includes
Farah Khan
Saroj Khan
Mubeen Saudagar
was also there who acted as Peon; writer, actor and director
Aakash Pandey
played various roles such as Dulha, a robber and more;
Subuhi Joshi
acted as Sapna while the students of the Ache Din Institute was played by
Madhura Naik
, a Tollywood nurse who wants to make it big in Bollywood;
Bruna Abdullah
who played as Nancy and Srman Jain, the hoodlum student of ADI.
Finest comedians were part of the show; the channel assures that the audience will experience a unique kind of entertainment and at the same time, learn how to do gags and comedy in the most humorous way. Comedy Classes is a combination of both comedy and Bollywood, and it is more of a Bollywood training class. The show guarantees to be one of the most anticipated offerings to the audience; with such strong original thoughts and a powerhouse of talent, everyone will surely love this modernized class.