Sukh by chance was a light hearted Indian television drama that was aired on Sony TV during 2009-10. the serial was produced for Hats Off Productions by J.D. Majethia and Atish Kapadia and directed by Atish Kapadia. The main star cast included
Harsh Chhaya
Krishna Bharadwaj
Ketkie Jain
, Shyam,
Anuj Thakur
Veebha Anand
and others. The theme of the serial was that if there is no money, there are problems, but there are more problems if there is more money. The story was about a middle class Gujarati joint family with very modest financial means. The family derives is happiness from small incidents in life and they are not worried about their poor financial condition as they have learned to live with it. Their every day life is just like every other middle class family of our country with a difference that this big family makes an occasion of even the smallest incident and do not let a single moment of happiness pass without celebration. They live under one roof very contented and enjoy life to the fullest. All of a sudden, they get Rs. 3 crores one day and the life changes. After the money is received by the family, a lot of drama takes place and after many ups and downs, the life for the family returns to the same old days when they celebrated the smallest incident and remained contended and happy. The serial was a light hearted comedy and with a message and much enjoyed by the viewers.
The serial was telecast on Sony TV from November 10, 2009 to May 13, 2010.