Tamanna House is a TV series that is being telecasted by Zee TV. The genre adopted by this series is thriller. This show was premiered on June 27th, 2004. This is being telecasted from Sunday through Wednesday. This show will run from 10 pm Indian Standard Timing. This serial can be found similar to the mysteries that are spoken in the novels of
Agatha Christie
The plot would run around a couple. The role of this couple is played by
Ruby Bhatia
who took the character name, ‘Tamanna’ along with
Jas Arora
who took up the character name, ‘Dilip’. The plot starts with the arrangement of a party by this couple for the purpose of celebrating the upcoming divorce. For their guests, this couple would arrange for a game along with the cash prize. This game event would be bound with few rules that were set by Tamanna.
The story has a twist when a murder occurs at the beginning of the party. Then, the plot would start revolving around the mystery of this murder. Famous serial artists like
Virendra Saxena
Upasana Singh
Hemant Pandey
have casted in this series. Other actors like
Donny Kapoor
, Satya,
Pooja Garg
Vinay Pathak
is also making their appearances in this series.
Meteror Films created this particular thriller serial. The written part is being done by
Mohan Azaad