Sasural Ki Galli is a Pakistani Urdu romantic drama TV series, aired on channel Zindagi in the Fursat Ke Pal section from May to July 2015. The series consists of a total of 63 episodes. It was originally aired in Pakistan as MeenuKaSusral on ARY Digital from April to September 2013. The emotional drama is directed by Zahid Mehmood Zahid is a director in the entertainment industry. >> Read More... and produced by Humayun Saeed Humayun Saeed has been known famously across Pakis >> Read More... . Ghazala Naqvi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... is the writer of this story. Sasural Ki Galli is based on the story of a married woman Meenu (played by Sana Zaved), and the turmoil that affects her family life.
It explores the plight of a young woman forced by her elders into marriage with Sarim (played by Imran Aslam Imran Aslam is a Pakistani actor. He was born in L >> Read More... ), a man she does not love. Sacred a bond as marriage is, it is sensitive to little things which when gone wrong can lead to hatred and suffocation in this relationship. For Meenu, brought up in a wealthy household, life turns out to be all but expected. A marriage born out of bitterness and despondency has little hope of survival, and as Meenu moves through her seemingly disastrous life looking desperately for ways to escape, she knows little of what lies in the future. There are conflicts within the families which more often than not turn ugly and leave everyone sad and remorseful.
As Meenu goes through many humbling experiences, she realizes that there are many surprises, both joyous and sad, that are intricately woven into the web of life only to be revealed as it slowly unfolds. When she looks beyond the veil of disappointment, she comes to see there are kind and loving people around her, people she had formerly deemed undeserving of her. Understanding and respect for each other slowly grow between Sarim and Meenu. Sarim is a righteous and a proud man; although financially weak, he refuses to take any help from his wealthy in-laws, and Meenu, now much matured, supports him. Meenu’s mother, Shagufta (played by Sadaf Ahsan), an immodest woman, isn’t very fond of Sarim, and her persistent concerns about her daughter’s low standard of living often demoralize him.
There are many lessons to be learned out of the hardships of time that mold Meenu and the people around her, and that happiness may come out of the darkest of corners is one of them. The leading character of Meenu is brought to life by Sana Javed Unlike their counterparts in India, Pakistani acto >> Read More... . Sana Javed is a prominent Pakistani actress and model. She has appeared in many Pakistani TV serials and is popular for her appearance in the Urdu drama Pyaray Afzal.