A Hindi language Indian series that was launched on Sony channel. The series was first premiered on 18 August 2006, and broadcasted every Friday at 8pm. It was prepared under the banner of Creative Eye Production House. Credence, trust, faith, belief and sect all mean the same which is belief in one’s religion and god. Deep faith can move mountains and help miracles to happen. This idea has been so beautifully sketched in the series, which portrays people from all over India. It highlights each episode which has been inspired by the true life incidents that people across the nation have experienced. These true life incidents have been adapted for the stage/screen and presented in the most realistic and concurrent way. An extraordinary event that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be an act of divinity is referred to as miracles.
Each episode will show case real life incident of people across the nation India whose lives have dramatically changed after experiencing incidents that have no scientific explanation and can be very well referred to as miracles. These real life incidents have proved that there exists a supernatural power which defeats Science and technology once you have true faith and belief in them. Technology has advanced so rapidly but faith and trust in God has always been one of the foremost discussions in society. Society is corrupt and misuses people’s faith in lord but one should choose the right path. It is created by
Vikas Kapoor
Vikas Kapoor is an Indian writer. He has showca >> Read More...
: Film producer and Writer. In the field of media working as a writer since last 14 years. The show was directed by Rajeev Banot: One of the experienced people of Industry.
The producer is
Dheeraj Kumar
Dheeraj Kumar belongs to the era when television w >> Read More...
and Zuby Kocchar. The host of this popular show is
Nitish Bharadwaj
Nitish Bharadwaj is an accomplished Indian actor, >>
: ‘Nitish Bharadwaj’ is an Indian-based actor, director and also a screenwriter who was a former member of the Indian Parliament. The Indian-based actor was well known for his popular role of Lord Krishna. Trusting God is simply having the belief that Lord loves every human being, He is good and shall forever help you in your trials this amazing concept has been ventured on Indian Television first time which has explored the field of faith, trust and mythology. Every time you start believing in the world of faith, there shall be circumstances that, from a common sense standpoint, which will undoubtedly contradict and make you think twice on that faith. But common sense and Faith both contradict each other. This has been the sole goal and plot of the beautifully scripted show.