This show revolves around a young girl Vasudha, who has never at any point been sufficiently lucky to get bliss. Through sheer diligent work and standards, she makes a spot for herself in the society. Vasudha was born in the family of Bhawani Shankar. She is the fifth kid. In a family that was expecting a boy, Vasudha's introduction to the world is the most unwelcome need in the family. Bhawani begins loathing his own daughter. Indeed, even Vasudha's´ sisters begin despising her. They all thinking that she is unlucky for everyone. The only individual to like her is her grandfather. Seeing Vasudha experience hardships at every step, her grandfather takes her away from the town with him. Vasudha is then raised by her grandfather in a small village. She goes with him in every one of his outings. Vasudha's life gets laced with her grandfather. Time cruises by. Vasudha blooms into a delightful young lady.
Even before she enters womanhood, the Zamindarni Rajeshwari requests her hand for her son Shripati. However, Vasudha declines to get hitched in light of the fact that she is enamoured with childhood friend Shivprasad. She longs for spending her lifetime with him. Bhawani discovers this perilous to his motives. Thus he deceives Vasudha that Shiv is as of now hitched with someone else and she should forget him and move on in life. He tries a wide range of means and techniques to break her down. The truth is, it would have been a decent arrangement for Bhawani, as Rajeshwari had guaranteed that she would help him fiscally for his other daughter's wedding. In the end, Vasudha penances her fantasies and yearnings keeping in mind the end goal to enhance her sisters' life. She consents to wed Shripati. On her wedding day, poor Vasudha realises that her soon-to-be husband is an alcohol addict and has a courtesan Mohini. But Vasudha figures out how to trade off her marital life from that very day. After some time, she turns into the mother of two little girls. Soon she gets pregnant with a third child. This time Mohini plots against her. She harms the brain of Vasudha's mother-in-law with the help of a celestial prophet persuading her that Vasudha can never give them a boy.
This annoys her mother-in-law and she tosses Vasudha out of the house. Helpless Vasudha scans for a spot where she can rest. She goes to her sisters and father and asks them for help. However, they don't even listen. Finally, she goes to her grandfather's house, where she brings forth a boy. Vasudha was very happy as she thought that this would solve all her problems. But destiny planned something else for her. The house in which she was staying, belonged to a Trust. And as her grandfather was no more, she had to vacant that place as well. Mohini becomes the proprietor of Shripati's Haveli. There comes a period when Shripati needs to pay his obligations. He decides to sell off the Haveli in order to pay his debts. Mohini declines to do as such. Shripati in his displeasure murders Mohini. Before she bites the dust, she solicits Vasudha to take care of her son. Vasudha now had four children. She doesn't give up and let conditions surpass her. She goes to the big city in the quest for work, there she meets her childhood friend and lover, Shivprasad.
Shivprasad is still single and endlessly enamoured with Vasudha. Shivprasad helps Vasudha in landing a position in the same processing plant in which he was working. Seeing her hard work, Vasudha turns into the proprietor of the factory. Vasudha becomes a business tycoon. Her expectations for everyday comforts change drastically. She raised her kids entirely in a conventional foundation, yet despite everything they have a modern outlook. Rajlaxmi nominates Vasudha to become the president of the Council of Trade. Prachi, Vasudha's elder daughter is enamoured with Rajlaxmi's eldest son Rajesh. But Rajesh is infatuated with Ragini. Damodar, Vasudha's brother-in-law wants to deliver retribution. He plans to slaughter Ragini and put the blame on Vasudha. This actuates Rajesh to retaliate for Ragini's demise. He calls Prachi to a Bungalow and exploits her. As soon as Vasudha comes to know about it, she talks to Rajlaxmi.
Rajlaxmi guarantees Vasudha that Prachi would unquestionably become her daughter-in-law. But Rajesh declines to get hitched to Prachi. He blames Prachi for being characterless and himself to be pure of any such wrongdoing. Rajlaxmi has confidence in her child and she too begins manipulating Vasudha. However, Vasudha's son Chetan and Rajlaxmi's daughter Pooja are infatuated with each other. She wants that Prachi ought to get hitched to Rajesh. Keeping in mind the end goal to pressurise her mom she flees with Chetan. Inevitably such conditions emerge that Prachi gets hitched to Rajesh and Pooja gets hitched to Chetan.Vasudha can't pardon Chetan and tosses him out of the house. Chetan begins living with his in-laws in their home. What's more, the story goes ahead with new players and their turmoil with life.