It is an Indian family drama Television series, which premiered on February 25, 2008, and aired till March 27, 2009. This series telecasted on Star Plus. The series timing is Monday to Friday at 09:30 PM. Some episodes are 285. The casting is Kiran Kumar Kiran Kumar is an Indian Bollywood actor who has w >> Read More... , Vaidehi, Khushbu, Humar Hali and Aarti Singh. This series is directed by Mohit Hussain Mohit Hussain is an Indian professional director, >> Read More... and Ravi Raj Ravi Raj is an Indian actor. He is mostly seen in >> Read More... and produced by Sanjoy Wadhwa and Comolla Wadhwa. This story is about to women power, self- esteem, and dignity. Khurana family is the renowned family of town, and Balraajsahni (Kiran Kumar) is head of the house he has two daughters Simar (Khusbhu) and Soni (HunarHali). Balraaj suffers health problem, and he died.
After the death of him, His wife and both daughter realize that they should come together in male-dominating society, and they all become independent. Simar is married to Rishi ( Anand Suryavanshi Anand Suryavanshi was born on Dec 15. He did his s >> Read More... ), he is having an affair with his secretary, and Simar has doubt. Lucky is relative of Balraj Khurana, who does cheating with Khurana family and taken their house fraudulently. Simar and Sonu were trying for getting back their home and play the same trick with lucky, which he did with them. Police arrested to lucky, and he went to jail.
Khurana family finally success in their game and get it back their home on Holi. Ronak (husband of Soni) provoke Rishi for the drink and Eventually, he get high and confess to Simar about himself and secretary’s affair. Simar got shocked and faint out. After that Simar comes to know about her pregnancy. Priya (cousin of Simar) tells to Rishi about Simar’spregnancy. In between Lucky out from jail and plan for taking revenge from Khurana family. He tries to kill Raunak and Soni interfere between them, and she gets injured in the fighting.
Soni gives the hint to Rishi about simar’s love, and he regrets about his affairs and realizes love for his wife, so he gets back to Simar. Now the story moves eight months forward Simar deliver a baby boy, and they all live happily together. As time passes with so much drama and fun in the story, After few year Soni also get pregnant but due to the delivery pain she gets late for reaching the hospital and deliver safely baby girl at home only. Simar and Soni both are so much happy with their husbands and children.
Soni’s girl name is Khushi, and everyone stays with Khushi happily. So here the serial get wind up with the happy ending. A recurring character is Sunila Karambelkar Sunila Karambelkar is a talented Indian TV actress >> Read More... , Akshat Gupta The talented Indian television actor and businessp >> Read More... , Anand Survanshi Shahbaz Khan and much more.