This show is 2015, Hindi light-hearted soap opera created by Cinevistaas Limited. The show is roughly an adaption of the novel of Those Pricey Thakur Girls, written by Anuja Chauhan Anuja Chauhan is an Indian Author and Screenwriter >> Read More... . It was premiered on channel &TV on 30th March 2015 replacing the game show India Poochega Sabse Shaana Kaun, hosted by Shah Rukh Khan Shah Rukh Khan or also known as SRK is a prominent >> Read More... . Directed by Rakesh Kumar Rakesh Kumar is a very famous lyricist. Kumaar is >> Read More... and written by Zaman Habib and S. Manasvi, together, the show's story, set against the backdrop of Delhi, centers around the family of Justice JN Thakar which consists of his wife played by Supriya Pilgaonkar and their five daughters whose all names are in serial alphabetical order. However all of them, though United are as different from each other as five human-beings can be.
Each of them have significant yet, varied personality with varied interests. All the sisters are quite popular amongst the boys and are known for their shenanigans. First, sister and also the elder one is Anji played by Sara Afreen Khan, second is Bini played by Shilpi Raizada, third is Chandi played by Monica Sharma, fourth is Debjani played by Sukirti Kandpal, who aspires to work in a message channel and last but not the least is Eeshu played by Meera Deosthale. In the first episode, we have four boys, who spies on the five sisters, introducing them to us. In the same episode, it is shown that Debjani, goes to audition for her dream job with the state news channel, Desh Darpan. She is shown doing some strange sort of vocal exercises as a practice for her audition.
Simultaneously we are introduced to the character of Dylan Singh Shekhawat, star anchor, and reporter of 360 News played by Aamir Ali, who will later turn into Debjani's paramour. He watches Anji practice with a grin on his face. The show was touted as a hatke show because of it's concept and containing no kitchen politics. The protagonist Sukirti Kandpal had said before the launch of the show that it aims to depict the message that even women are an important part of the family and how the father is happy to have five daughters. Even so, many substantial changes were made into the series as against the book. For instance in the book, the story has its characters living in late 80's era whereas in the series it's set in 2015. The show, however, couldn't manage to emulate the success of the book and was pulled off the channel, it's last episode airing on 23 October 2015. Total 150 episodes were telecasted.The show as aired on the channel every week for Monday-Friday at 9:00 pm.