Arzoo Hai Tu was a drama television show that used to air on Sahara One. The series started on 1st September 2003. It was broadcasted between Monday and Thursday at 10 at night. The serial used to run for approximately 25 minutes and was produced by
Jyoti Sagar
. The serial was created by Sagar Arts Limited and Sahara India Mass Communication.
The serial revolves around a woman who has been hurt badly in love. She is travelling in a train, and the train is involved in an accident. One of the other passengers, a widow, passes away during the accident but leaves behind an infant. The woman decides to take the identity of the widow. She takes the child and starts living with the widow’s relatives, who are unaware of the identity switch. The woman is able to live happily in the widow’s position. Her life is turned upside-down when her old lover appears in the place she is now living in. She has to make an extremely important decision and she is faced with a great dilemma.
The show was a typical family soap and had a star studded cast of actors. It enjoyed moderate success but did not gain any special recognition from either critics or viewers.