Perception is a TV series that used to be broadcasted on TNT in the United States and was produced by the ABC Studios from July 9, 2012 to March 17, 2015. It is an American crime drama investigation series which was created by Kenneth Biller Kenneth Todd Biller is a television writer, produc >> Read More... and Mike Sussman. In this show, characters used to solve the cases in their own ways. Eric McCormack Born on April 18, 1963, Eric McCormack is from Can >> Read More... is the man who played the role of Dr. Daniel J. Pierce, an eccentric neuropsychiatric professor hired by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to solve few mysterious cases in Chicago with his unique outlook to solve the cases. Pierce carries a lot of knowledge about the person’s behavior and has the masterful knowledge about human minds.
Pierce is brilliant, and his mind works eventually. As everyone is born with some type of weaknesses, so is Pierce. He used to fight with hallucinations. It works as a curse to Pierce that his mind, gets damaged or stops working. With this absence of mind, Pierce becomes very irrational and sometimes acts too dangerous. Due to this, he was not be able to achieve friendships and any intimate relationship he craved. He is an expert in solving any puzzle, but sometimes his absence of mind drags him backward. Pierce can quickly become overwhelmed, and only his crossword puzzle and favorite music have the power to make things correct.
Apart from Dr. Daniel J. Pierce, the show carries other characters too. The Federal Bureau of Investigation contacts his former student i.e. Kate Moretti, who had a crush on Pierce when she was his student. Rachael Leigh Cook was playing the role of Kate. Another character is Natalie Vincent,a hallucination that Pierce made in his junior year of college and resembles a long lost loved one of his.. She helps him by pointing out his shortcomings and faults. Max Lewicki is also a part of the show and is a teaching assistant.
Pierce met her when he went to the hospital for his mental illness treatment, During the treatment, he asked her to join him to Chicago on the promise of teaching her assistantship for completing her graduate school. She is having an interesting relationship with Pierce. This show is worth watching as Pierce used to solve the cases and give the lectures to his students. whiledealing with his hallucinations.