English Tv Serial Fresh Off The Boat - Season 2

Fresh Off The Boat - Season 2 English COMEDY on ABC
3.50 / 5.00
3.44 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

As the summer holidays come, Louis decides to go on a business trip. to the National Franchisee Convention. The family goes with him to spend some quality time together. They go to Gator World, nearby to the Convention. Eddie, like any other 7th-grade kid, thinks the trip as a chance to create memorable stories to recite in school. Evan loses his milk teeth, realizing that he is no more a child, and won't be able to throw the tactics anymore. During the trip, Jessica is over-excited. She refuses to rest and decides to enjoy every penny spent on the outing. Nicole, unfortunately, has to repeat her 8th grade.

Jessica notices that every year, thousands of college-band scholarships go waste, as there are not many students who apply for music scholarships. She insists Eddie take classes and learn Piccolo as an elective. But Eddie refuses his mother and asks her to do something else to get what she wants. Eddie starts tutoring Nicole during the hours he should have gone for his Piccolo classes. Nicole's father tries to convince Eddie that he should tell his parents to have a daughter. The Huang family is in need of another vehicle. Louis and Jessica go to Shaquille O'Neal Motors. Louis asks Jessica to negotiate the deal as she did for their current van.

But Jessica confesses that she doubt her negotiating skills, as she didn't get the best deal the last time and she also forgot to get the floor mats. Eddie influences Evan to buy a water slide for their backyard by selling his Beanie Baby collection. Louis comes to a decision to give some pointers to Emery. He thinks that it would help Emery becoming the cool kid in the school. Jessica volunteers to escort Eddie in his trip to Colonial Florida town. She wants to show Eddie that she can also be a cool mom. Gene, Louis' brother, pays a visit to the Huang family from Taiwan. He wants to share some big news with them.

Jessica had borrowed 200 dollars from Gene many years back, to buy a wedding ring for Louis. She wanted to repay him from a long time and tries to find ways to do it. She gets to know that Louis sent thousands of dollars to Gene over the years, without even telling Jessica about it. Eddie tries to watch ‘Bring the Pain’, a comedy special by Chris Rock Christopher Julius Rock was born on February 7th i >> Read More... . He wanted to see it and discuss it later with Alison and other friends. But on Jessica's orders, Evan and Emery block him at each point.

Another Version Of This Serial:

Fresh Off Boat Season 2 belonged to sitcom genre and was telecasted on ABC. Nahnatchka Khan was the creator of the show. Rich Blomquist, Justin McEwen, and Eddie Huang produced the show. It started on 22 September 2015 and ended on 24 May 2016 with 24 episodes. The season saw some changes. The most important one being reduced involvement of Eddie Huang who was the narrator in season 1 which made the season focused on entire family and not just on Eddie. Chelsey Crisp Aka Honey and Lucille Soong aka Grandma Jenny Huang were promoted to the main cast from the recurring cast.

Grandma Jenny is Louis’ mother, and she speaks in Mandarin, even though she clearly understands English. Louis goes on a business trip and the whole family tags along where Eddie tries to make an impressing story, Evan realizes that he is growing up, and Jessica is on a mission to get her money’s worth. Nicole has to do again eighth grade in which she protects Eddie and some other students from current eighth graders who were harassed by her previous year.

Jessica wants Eddie to take Piccolo class as his elective as many college band scholarships remain empty, but when Eddie gets a chance to teach Nicole in the same hour, he declines her request, so she tries another way. Nicole’s dad encourages Louis to convince Jessica to have a daughter. Louis takes Jessica to vehicle store as they need the second vehicle and she was the one who negotiated a deal for their current one, but she has doubts about her negotiating abilities. Eddie tells Evan to sell his collection of Beanie baby so that they can buy a backyard water slide. Louis goes overboard while preparing Eddie for his school’s Fall Ball Dance.

Eddie is firstly confident to ask Alison for dance, but later he gets scared and stays at home. Its Halloween and Louis’s excitement goes away when Eddie and his friends plan to trick-or-treat in another neighbourhood while Jessica tries to save her new income house from some teenage boys. Louis is invited for a show for celebrity impersonations, but Jessica rebukes his action to continue the idea that Asia men can only be accepted as clowns. Eddie gets a love note, and then he and his four friends go on a date with Alison and her friends, but when one of his friends guesses the girl who likes him wrongly, Eddie is left confused about the note, whether it was from Alison or not. Eddie’s 12th birthday comes which he celebrates with friends.

Jessica convinces her mother to let them host Thanksgiving party this time, but because of over planning, things start going wrongly. Jessica and Honey get into an argument regarding the money spent for investment property, while Eddie gets a job to buy a necklace for Alison. Jessica has to lie about Santa Claus to Evan on Christmas Day. The family is excited to go to Washington for celebrating Chinese New Year but due to Louis’s messing up of tickets, they have to stay back, and when Louis and Jessica finds an organization which will be throwing a party but the party turns out to be a major disappointment.

Its Valentine’s Day and Eddie tries to win tickets for the concert to take Alison with him, whereas Emery sets up a romantic night for Louis and Jessica but is left disappointed when they spend entire time doing taxes. Huangs come to know the power of the internet when one customer reviews Cattleman’s Ranch badly, and they try to correct it, only to learn that the customer is none other than Phillip Goldstein. Eddie makes a mix tape for Alison due to his fear of talking on the phone but Reba, who has a crush on him, gets the tape and develops the wrong idea.

Jessica and Louis learn that Emery can become Chinese-American star tennis player and starts taking measures for it, only to realize that they are over doing it. Eddie gets scared when Nichole starts taking to Alison after her breakup as he has not told Alison about her, but he gets angry when Alison tells about her crush on his best friend Dave, even though he himself had just planned an ice-cream date with Nichole. Jessica encourages Louis to make friends at the local pool hall to stop him from hanging around her and Honey, but she regrets when he starts playing pool with a woman, Toni.

Louis has a hard time entertaining his children as normally he does not stay at home normally but has to stay now because of a leg injury, whereas Jessica has to handle restaurant with its new service and also employees who know that she cannot fire anyone of them behind Louis. Louis takes part in North Orlando Chili Cook-Off and asks Eddie to become his apprentice, but Eddie ends up taking part himself as Louis was not listening to any of his suggestions.

Evan doesn’t get invited to his friend’s birthday party, and Jessica thinks it to because she confronted his friend’s mother in the parking lot of school, but reason turns out to be bossy nature of Evan like Jessica. Eddie gets lice which are transferred to Evan and Jessica, and it causes a lot of trouble for Huangs. Jessica is sad because her favourite show is ending and will be back in September but neighbourhood gossip replaces the need of it especially when it is about Deidre, and she gets a chance to get back at Deidre. Emery and Louis learn how to handle negative emotions.

Evan decides to open his first bank account but is confused to which name he should use and didn’t like the reasoning gave by his parents about his American name or their own American name but later Grandma Huang convinces him that the name is not important but what you do to make it important is what matters the most. Jessica is scared because of tenants after she persuades Grandma Huang and Honey to rent out the property.

Louis gives Emery some tips to become a cool kid, and Jessica decides to accompany Eddie to his field trip to show him that she can become a fun mom. Louis arranges graduation dinner at the restaurant as Emery graduates elementary school and children are allowed to bring a friend. Eddie is nervous and excited to introduce Alison to Jessica and thinks that she will not approve her because she is not Chinese. Alison tries to make a plan to leave a good impression on Jessica, Louis helps Emery in his valedictorian speech, while Grandma tries to make a new suit for Evan. Gene, Louis’s brother, visits them from Taiwan with a big news to share.


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