Tritiyo Purush is a Bengali television serial aired on Zee Bangla. The serial was produced by Shree Venkatesh Films. The lead actors of the serial were Srijit Mukherji Srijit Mukherji is an Indian film director, screen >> Read More... , Indira Ghosh, and Bidisha Roy Chowdhury. Tritiyo Purush explores the story of Antara, who is a successful businesswoman, married to a renowned architect named Shubhankar. Their perfect life was later disrupted by the arrival of a stranger named Rohan. Rohan enters Antara's life as a client, but it soon becomes clear she has a deeper connection to him. As Antara and Rohan's relationship grows, Shubhankar becomes suspicious about this.
They three were in a love triangle, which becomes tighter and tighter when trying to loosen it. Regarding the cast of the serial, Antara is a strong and independent woman who is torn between her love for her husband and her growing feelings for Rohan. Shubhankar is a successful architect who is struggling to come to terms with his wife's expectations. Rohan is a mysterious stranger who enters surprisingly into Antara’s life and who has a hidden connection to Antara's past. Tritiyo Purush explored themes of love, betrayal, and the complexities of relationships. The serial was praised for realistic portrayal of human emotions and its engaging storyline. It became a popular show among Bengali audience within a small period.