This show is about a rich family’s son Anupam. He was the single child of father Srijan Mukhopadhyay and mother Rimsha Mukhopadhyay. After their marriage , Srijan mostly stayed in america trying to establish his business all over the world.He used to come every 6 months .He had a friend whom he trusted a lot and had even told his wife to call him in case of any emergency. After 3 years of efforts, Rimsha could finally conceive and was pregnant. As soon as Srijan got to know about this, he shifted back to Kolkata and since then he is living in kolkata with his family for last 10 years.Srijan’s friend Rupam chatterjee had left kolkata the same year when Rimsha got pregnant for some unknown reason . Both of them were very concerned about anupam and gave him all the luxuries of the world. But one day he got to know that anupam was not his child. Anupam’s father was Rupam.He was very angry and took a decision to send anupam to an orphanage and told Rimsha that if she wants to stay with him.
She must forget about anupam. In the orphanage,anupam did not get any of the luxuries that he was used to.It made him furious and stubborn. He did not listen to anyone and misbehaved with everyone. But one day a new caretaker came in the orphanage whose name was Ramesh Pandit Ramesh Pandit is a professional Indian actor. He h >> Read More... . He changed Anupam’s thinking totally and made him focus only on becoming a really good and successful person.Anupam worked very hard and became a very successful business man and became the biggest competitor of his father’s company and that is how his father recognized him. Then Srijan agreed that anupam had no fault in whatever happened and he should not have sent him to the orphanage. He then insisted anupam to come back home.At first anupam did not agree but then later he agreed and came back home.