“Bibi Chowdhurani” is a Bengali drama serial that aired on 28th April 2014 on Zee Bangla and continued until 16th August 2014. The serial is about a girl who is portrayed as a compulsive liar throughout the episodes. Even though she lies a lot, her intentions are pure and do not hold malice of any sort. In order to save her sister from marriage to a guy, she lies on behalf of her sister but soon finds herself trapped in one of her own lies which leads her father to arrange her marriage to the same guy who she was lying about. In order to escape the marriage, she lies to the guy once again and tries to make him hate her by saying things like she is an alcoholic, an addict, and a chain-smoker. But, the guy doesn't believe her lies and stays put. In fact, he realizes that her intentions are pure and feels that she is more like a child at heart and innocent which makes him fall in love with her. When they get married, they eventually explore their relationship in the midst of family problems and drama which they overcome together and fall in love with each other.